京都大学21世紀COEプログラム 活地球圏の変動解明 アジア・オセアニアから世界への発信


第3回 活地球圏科学国際サマースクール (2006年7月16-28日)



  1. 開講式・特別講義 (Sorja Koesuma)
  2. 講義(1週目) (由井 智志)
  3. 講義(2週目) (野田 俊太)
  4. 計算機実習 (神代 剛)
  5. 巡検(Han Raehee)
  6. フィールド実習(地質博物館)(Nicolas Brantut)
  7. フィールド実習(LAPAN)(畑 真紀)

1. Opening Ceremony

The 3rd KAGI21 International Summer School (the 3rd ISS) was held from July 16-28, 2006 at the Faculty of Earth Science and Mineral Technology (FIKTM) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). The 3rd ISS was organized by ITB and Kyoto University. On the first day of the 3rd ISS, there was an opening ceremony which started at 8:30am.

At the beginning of the opening ceremony, there was a report by a member of the Local Organizing Committee, Dr. Nanang T Puspito. Dr. Nanang gave thanks to the lecturers from Kyoto University and to the countries which sent many participants to the 3rd ISS. The second speech was made by the Dean of FIKTM-ITB, Prof. Sudarto Notosiswoyo, who also expressed his appreciation for the ISS, which has already been held twice at ITB.

The next program was an introduction of KAGI21 by its leader, Prof. Shigeo Yoden. He explained about the KAGI21 project which included the 3rd ISS program and also explained the importance of the equator area as a key place for global warming and weather forecasting. The objective of the KAGI21 project is to investigate the active geosphere and the area has many active places which need more investigations by geoscientists, from the geology (crusts, mantles, volcanoes etc.) to the atmosphere.

The last speech was made by Dr. Djoko Santoso, the Rector of ITB. He gave a talk about research cooperation between ITB and Kyoto University, and hoped that cooperation would be increased in the future. After his speech, the Rector hit a gong, a traditional music instrument which is usually used as an opening sign of a ceremony in Indonesia.

At the end of the opening ceremony, the Rector gave a special lecture about ‘4D Microgravity in Talang Jimar field, South Sumatra’. This research was carried out by injecting water into oil wells and then monitoring the gravity anomaly of the surfaces. The research was done three or four times a year at specific time intervals time, then all of the results were analysed together. The accuracy of microgravity in this research was 10 microgal.

(Sorja Koesuma)

2. 講義(第1週目)





(由井 智志)


3. 講義(第2週目)






(野田 俊太)


4. 計算機実習

サマースクール期間中、毎日の講義終了後に1時間程度、計算機実習の時間が設けられた。教材として「KAGI21計算機実験集 vol.1 地球流体力学入門」を使用した。この実験集は、地球流体力学の基礎を数学的に理解するとともに視覚的に体験できるように、本サマースクールのために開発されたソフトウェアである。線形移流拡散・非線形移流拡散・ブラウン運動・変形と回転・二次元渦・二次元渦糸系・静的安定度・重力波・対流・慣性不安定・ロスビー波・順圧不安定・地衡流調節・エクマン螺旋・カオスと予測可能性といったテーマについて、収録された数値実験を通して学ぶことができるようになっている。

この実習は、1週目に行われた余田教授の講義「地球流体力学入門(An Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)」と連動しており、その日の講義内容に対応する実験集の解説書が配布された。解説書には、ソフトウェアの使い方とともに各テーマの理論的背景や練習問題も書かれており、講義中に余田教授による解説と実演も行われた。



(神代 剛)


5. Field trip to the Tangkuban Parahu Volcano

There are some high in-land mountains and islands formed due to ancient volcanic activity in Korea, but I have not been able to see active volcanoes before this field trip. Thus I was excited even before leaving for the trip and it was a new experience in a great natural setting.

At first, we went up a mountain together and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Bandung from the top of the mountain. We could see very steep cliffs which were formed by faulting. An expert on the Indonesian volcanoes kindly explained not only how the Sunda caldera system was formed but also the local legend (“upturned boat”) on the Tankuban Parahu volcano. It was a very nice day to do field work, and I inhaled fresh air and felt the cool wind. It was something interesting to feel cool in a place near the equator.

After observing some igneous rocks and taking photos together, we moved to the main field area where we could see a crater still emitting a strange smell. What a beautiful volcano we saw in front of us! The Tankuban Parahu strato-volcano occupies the central part of the large Sunda caldera. The last eruption of the volcano occurred in 1983. I heard the Indonesian people monitor the volcanic activity carefully and sometimes warn people to move to other places whenever the volcanic activity starts to increase. It seems that volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes are the two main natural disasters in Indonesia. We could feel several earthquakes even during the short period of the ISS. Compared to earthquakes, volcanic activity seems to be less dangerous, since a well-organized warning system can prevent people from being attacked by violent volcanic lava flow. All of the ISS participants must have been very interested in the volcano and were busy taking many photos. I was deeply fascinated by the spectacle.

The volcano now is one of the most popular places for visitors. In short, visiting the volcano was the one of the best activities of the 3rd ISS and will definitely be enjoyed by future participants.

(Han Raehee)

Tankuban Parahu volcano

6. Field Training in Geological Museum

On August 26, all participants went to the Geological Museum in Bandung as one of the field training programs of the 3rd KAGI21 International Summer School(3rd ISS). After we arrived, we first saw a movie which explained the history of the museum and the geology in Indonesia. This movie was short but interesting, and after that, museum staff lead us to the rooms where a huge number of rock samples and fossils are conserved. It was very impressive to see such a large amount of rocks from the whole country.

After a brief discussion with the museum staff, we freely walked in the museum and looked at the exhibits with the 3rd ISS lecturers from Kyoto University. We were able to get to know that a lot of geological studies have been conducted in Indonesia, and also learned lots about Indonesian geodynamics, volcanoes and seismicity.

It was great because everybody was free to look at what is of his or her own interest, and ask questions to the museum staff or professors of Kyoto University (especially Dr. Shimamoto).

Geological Museum

The museum is quite big and very well organized, and there are many posters which give information about various different topics. Although some of them are not written in English, we asked the Indonesian students about their contents and got good opportunities to talk with them. This training was globally interesting, and it was another good time to speak with lecturers, researchers and participants.

(Nicolas Brantut)

7. フィールド実習(LAPAN)




(畑 真紀)



