新着図書  2022(地質鉱物学分野)
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Title Call. No.
鳳来寺山 : その自然をめぐって / 愛知県南設楽郡鳳来町立鳳来寺山自然科学博物館 [編]. -- 愛知県南設楽郡鳳来町立鳳来寺山自然科学博物館, 1985. 25||487
The rejection of continental drift : theory and method in American earth science / Naomi Oreskes ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 1999. 1||756
Worlds before Adam : the reconstruction of geohistory in the age of reform / Martin J.S. Rudwick ; : paper. -- University of Chicago Press, 2010. 2||822
岩盤応力とその測定 / ベルナール・アマデイ, オーヴ・ステファンソン著 ; 船戸明雄翻訳代表. -- 京都大学学術出版会, 2012. 4-R||456
[e-book] The mixing of magmas : field evidence, numerical models, experiments / Diego Perugini.( Advances in volcanology). online
[e-book] Mineralogical applications of crystal field theory 2nd ed. / Roger G. Burns.   (Cambridge topics in mineral physics and chemistry 5). online
[e-book] Vesta and Ceres : insights from the dawn mission for the origin of the solar system / edited by Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell.  (Cambridge planetary science series 27). online